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Featured Artist: Velsinte

Simply Vivacious

Once again this week we'll be taking a look at another interesting artist. Creating stunning pieces through the work of digital art, Velsinte, has without a doubt managed to capture the eyes of many onlookers through the use of varied yet fantastic composition of colors. Rivaling the style of true oil painted pictures, Velsinte's pieces nearly match the authenticity of what viewers can expect from oil painted pieces in almost any art market.

Left: Untitled by Unknown Artist      Right: Kiss In The Garden by Prismatic

See what I mean? Not convinced yet? Read (or look) on, then.

Focus on the artwork below. Within a peculiar glass window structure, we see a ghost-like figure of a female befriending benevolent birds amidst an array of simply vivacious color creativity. The skillful choice of colors surrounding silhouettes of white allow us to see therapeutic imagery while keeping our curiosity going as to what harmonious act is taking place. Now, then, the only real question is...

What on earth is happening within this piece?

Prismatic by Velsinte

Well, perhaps viewers can get a stronger sense of this sweet haven by following this link of inspiration 
You can enjoy much more of Velsinte's varied yet brilliant artwork here.

Posted by Unknown

Featured Artist: Velsinte

AOTW: Dystoth

Artist of the week (12/26/16) is Dystoth!

Posted by Unknown

AOTW: Dystoth

Geo Banner for Social Media

Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Time to Complete: About an hour
Programs Required: Illustrator, and Photoshop 

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create the above design for social media sites, specifically Facebook, but you can also easily adapt this tutorial for whatever your design needs are. It's all about the dimensions.

1. In llustrator, create a new document with these specs:

Twitter: 1500px by 500px 

2. Choose pen tool
3. Start creating triangles

Note: To "connect" to other triangles, start drawing a triangle from afar then join with second point.

Whew, all done! Most time consuming far

4. Shade in shapes.

Think about where light would come from. Observe the lighting of the cube.

The light comes from the left area therefore the hidden face of the cube must be completely lit (near white). We see the top panel holding a slightly lesser tint, and the side even lower by just a bit. The back face, where the shadow is, darker than all of the sides but not that dark because light is still bouncing around everywhere from the powerful light source making the back visible still.

Now apply this knowledge to triangles, when thinking of the shapes as 3D prisms, jewels, or whatever - you get the idea. Three to four shades are ideal.

You'll be using the gray's in swatches (Window > swatches).

5. Export this image as a png using artboard
6. Open up this image with photoshop
7. Choose the soft brush tool
8. Create a new layer in photoshop

9. Set the layer mode to linear burn
10. Color in the layer as desired. 

11. Repeat steps 8-10 twice. 
Third layer - Layer mode: Soft Light    Opacity:73% (or as you see fit)

This third image is what it looks like after applying blending modes to layers one, and two.

I wanted the center of attention to be in the center since I would be putting a logo there. So, the bright yellow third layer is to highlight the logo and, slogan.

Tip: If the layers seem not to blend so well each color transitions to the other then try running the blur tool around these areas.

12. Top your piece off with a logo or other artwork (type would look best imo)

That's all! 

Please let me know how long it took to complete this tutorial so I can update the time in the intro, and perhaps the difficulty. Thank you!

Posted by Unknown

Geo Banner for Social Media

Vector Male Character

How to create a male character in illustrator. Awesome!

Posted by Unknown

Vector Male Character

How to Create Clouds

Posted by Unknown

How to Create Clouds

How to Create a Sunburst

In the following video tutorial, you'll learn how to create a sunburst in illustrator. The sunburst is used widely among graphic designers and other artists alike. It is frequently seen throughout the entertaiement industry, and even occasionally in business practices. So, without a doubt, the sunburst is a must know design that every artists should have in mind. Enjoy!

Posted by Unknown

How to Create a Sunburst

Welcome to Andantai!

This site is dedicated to teaching everyone about many different topics in a well paced, visual manner, in what we call Andantai (referring to Andante, meaning moderately slow, so we like to call our tutorials walking pace tutorials done with careful steps) Specifically, however, the site will teach graphic design, and related material. Here is a list of what you can expect in the coming months:

  • Graphic design tutorials (videos and articles)
  • Art analysis and critique (we all learn from each other!)
  • Q & A's with graphic design artists
  • Resourceful data and helpful links
  • Ebooks
  • Live tutorial sessions
  • And more, more more!

As you can see, there is much to look out for in the future. Slowly, all of this content will be uploaded, or commenced. Your participation in this sites early stages is much appreciated! Our viewers can give us increased confidence that we may succeed in benefiting them. If you are a graphic designer, know someone who is, or just interested in design or art, please do share and subscribe. From the list, you can tell that we will be doing interviews, and having interactions with artists via online talk and artwork critique, so it would be a good idea to join in and get your name out there to a growing audience that we hope to reach at Andantai!

Posted by Unknown

Welcome to Andantai!