Featured Artist: Velsinte

Simply Vivacious

Once again this week we'll be taking a look at another interesting artist. Creating stunning pieces through the work of digital art, Velsinte, has without a doubt managed to capture the eyes of many onlookers through the use of varied yet fantastic composition of colors. Rivaling the style of true oil painted pictures, Velsinte's pieces nearly match the authenticity of what viewers can expect from oil painted pieces in almost any art market.

Left: Untitled by Unknown Artist      Right: Kiss In The Garden by Prismatic

See what I mean? Not convinced yet? Read (or look) on, then.

Focus on the artwork below. Within a peculiar glass window structure, we see a ghost-like figure of a female befriending benevolent birds amidst an array of simply vivacious color creativity. The skillful choice of colors surrounding silhouettes of white allow us to see therapeutic imagery while keeping our curiosity going as to what harmonious act is taking place. Now, then, the only real question is...

What on earth is happening within this piece?

Prismatic by Velsinte

Well, perhaps viewers can get a stronger sense of this sweet haven by following this link of inspiration 
You can enjoy much more of Velsinte's varied yet brilliant artwork here.

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